What Are You Waiting For?

What are you waiting for?  Seriously?  The perfect website, the perfect time, for the Universe?  Waiting makes you feel safe. I get it. I do it all the time. I’ll eat like crap today because I’m going to start my diet on Monday.  I won’t move forward in my business until I have more training.  We do this to feel safe. It keeps us safe if we don’t just jump in today. Let’s work on getting out of that habit, shall we?

            Waiting to do something means for the time being we don’t need to do it. If I don’t pack boxes today, then that means I’m not really moving at the end of this week. This was my son’s motto this weekend. I had to be the reality check and tell him that with or without his boxes, we have to move this weekend.  If he doesn’t pack his stuff, it may just end up being moved into storage or worse, being thrown out. That motivated him a lot.  It shouldn’t have to be so drastic though.  It should be a comfortable pace. However, sometimes we need to be jolted into doing something. Maybe you get a medical diagnosis that could have been alleviated with proper nutrition so now you have to start from scratch with fear and worry.  Maybe you lose a job that you’ve wanted to leave a long time ago and now you are stuck with no future plans when you could have been planning all along.

            I see it all the time with some clients.  They work with me then move onto to someone else to take another training. I’ve learned not to take it personally. It means that they are just not ready to step into who they are supposed to be. I get it. I’m a serial learner myself. As long as I sign up for yet another course, then I don’t have to be fully in what I am here to do. It keeps me small and safe.

            I am not going to wait anymore. Today I am making the decision to step forward and not hide behind yet another course or junk food or…….  Do not get me wrong. Furthering your education is pivotal to staying alive.  Just don’t use it as an excuse to not continue moving forward.  At the start of each day, sit quietly and ask yourself “what are my next right action steps?”. I also think that folks take a lot of courses because they are hoping that they will garner “the answer” from them. Although it might assist you, “the answer” is deep within you already.  Stop and listen! 

            Life moves forward whether we notice it or not.  A Facebook memory popped up from 6 years ago today with a picture of my son. He was so little and now this morning, he stomps off to the bus for 9thgrade.  It goes by so fast.  I know this is a cliché but believe it. It really does go by fast.  Do you want to be “jolted” into something or do you want to have the pleasure of planning out and taking action one day at time so that it leads you to your dreams?  Being jolted into your future may be what you need but let’s figure out what you can do that’s a lot more gentler.

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

P.S. If you would like to schedule a free 30-minute session on how to get to your next right steps, click on my scheduling page today.  You’re worth it.