Happy 2017 - Let's Rock This!

Happy 2017!!  This year is going to rock.  I started out the year with a bang.  I went into hibernation mode over the weekend and was able to thoroughly clean my house, set up some manifestations for this upcoming year, and do some self-care to start the New Year off in the right the direction.  I had a positive feeling about this year and I still do but....  I sit here at my desk after my son finally got back to school after long breaks and a bonus snow day.  I am sitting at my computer and wondering how to get started and what's the best thing to do to get my manifestations rolling. I was feeling very ungrounded and decided to reach out to a friend.  He told me to go back to my sequence.. Do some grounding, cut cords and take a salt bath.  Whenever you are feeling like the world is spinning out of control, it's awesome to know that you can have these simple tools to plug back into and feel safe, comforted and supported.

I was guided this past New Year to not go back and review my 2016.  It's giving energy to something that has past.  It's better to step into the exciting possibilities of what you can become in the 2017.  I love this.  It's a far more uplifting feeling than going back over things that happened.  Yes, I am grateful for all of the good shifts but why give energy to those things that may not have been so uplifting?  This is a whole new perspective and one that gives me much joy.  Even as I sit here and type this, I'm feeling like the energetic shift into the future has really begun.

As I prepare to become my best self, I'm preparing some things to have others join me for their next steps.  These will include coaching programs, Meet-ups, videos, re-branding and several other yummy ingredients.  I would love for you to join me on this journey.  If you are interested, please feel free to contact me @ pwalker2650.com.

"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something." - Neil Gaiman

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker