When the Words Just Won't Come!

I'm currently working on my new website that will soon be launched.  In this process I've had to work on the wording and basically put on one page what my message to the world is and what I want to offer. Easier said than done.  As I woke up this morning, I reached out to the Universe for more clarity.  How do I boil down my message in just a few short sentences but with a big impact?  What will my elevator speech look like? I realized that if I stop long enough and let go of the worry of what to write, that perhaps it will just naturally come to me.  That's where I am turning to writing this blog for help. Let's get those words up and out so that I can have that clarity at the end to send to the web designer.  Let's see what I want my legacy to be.

The day started with messages coming through, friends that called and a child who refuses to get out of his pajamas.  The usual MO for that is that I worry about that.  Why isn't he wanting to come out of his room?  Is my kid just stinking lazy?  Today I decided to just let it go.  I'm going to go with the flow and see what he does with it and what I might do with it.  So far it's finding me in my office and him out in the kitchen screaming and yelling at his  Minecraft game.  Hmmm, how is this helping?  How it's helping is that I have let go of my agenda for the day and we both seem to be relaxing into what our vision of the day is.  I'm not putting my agenda on him and he has a smile on his face.  One day of Minecraft will not kill him.  Maybe the opposite will happen.  Perhaps he will see how tired and cranky he will get after a full day on the screens.

So in getting back to my task at hand, I'm realizing that perhaps I don't need that full clarity and final wording.  I may just have a work-in-progress here.  I want to go out and spread my message to folks that I have been through some big changes and shifts in the last year or so, and I survived.  I want to help folks who think they are too old, or that they can't take time away from their kids right now, or that self-care is selfish, etc. etc.  I want to let them know that the answer is inside them and not outside in a pill, book etc.  Those can sometimes help but the ultimate answer is inside of you.  If you aren't willing to do the work, then the changes you might aspire too just aren't going to come.  If you look to someone else to do that work for you, guess what?  It's going to be on their terms.  All it takes is a few small steps a day, but just keep moving.

I will provide my clients with the tools to find that answer for themselves.  I'll keep them on the path of momentum to keep heading towards their best selves.  I've had the immense gift of having folks in my life lately that are doing the same for me. I want to pay that forward.  We can spend a lot of time thinking up excuses for not doing the work. The bottom line goes back to the old saying, if you want to make changes, you have to change your way of thinking, being and doing.  Not sure if those are the exact words, but you get my drift.

I look forward to what this year brings for me. I also look forward to connecting with those folks who are ready to make that next step.  If you are ready to take your next step, please feel free to send an email to pwalker2650@gmail.com.

"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop." - Confucious

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker