Two Beliefs, One World


“People will always have opposing views and I suppose there will always be conflict and even misunderstanding; but the principle of mutual respect mixed with charity and forgiveness lay the foundation for the resolving of differences and the solving of problems.” – Loren C. Dunn, Before I Build a Wall 

Today has been a total eye opener.  I woke up with a sense of rage in my body and getting on social media didn’t help that process.  I was hit with stories of fires, political slamming and the proverbial “What Next?” question.  It finally set me off.  For those of you who know me, it takes a lot to piss me off.  I’ve always said that I will be the one to blow and the reporter from CNN will hear my neighbor say, but she seemed like such a nice lady.  Just kidding, I’d never get to that point.

I had had it. I did a post on Facebook saying, well, I was ready to quit Facebook.  I had enough of people who I thought highly of slamming the president and his opponent. I was tired of people sitting around waiting for that “next scary thing” to happen.  What had me the most disappointed, was those high vibe friends of mine who were scurrying down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories.  I had to BE RIGHT.  Can I just say that this need to be right is a tough one to overcome?  I had to be right that they were wrong.  This is an MO for me and my family.  However, I’m doing my best to change it.  By doing that post today, I was privy to the usual, please don’t quit Facebook, we love your posts.  I so, so appreciate those folks in my life.

The comments, however, that got me thinking in a bigger way were the ones challenging me.  Hmmm, this is interesting. What did I need to learn at this moment?  A wild aha moment hit me, no slapped me, in the face.  I had the need to be right that they were wrong.  It was time for me to get out of that trap of a way of thinking. Maybe they were right, and I was wrong.  It was time for me to educate myself and stop being like I have for the past 50+ years. It’s time for me to jump in and get other people’s stories.

I have been having the nudge to do a podcast for about six months now.  Well, no time like the present.  It’s time for me to go out and explore what other’s might be thinking.  This brings me to a point in my life where I watched a movie produced by Katie Couric about the dangers of eating sugar. It was very eye opening to see that some people just didn’t have the education to know enough to not eat a lot of sugar.  Maybe this is what I am supposed to be doing.  Getting educated so I can educate others.


Listen, right now our country is in a major turmoil.  Having people fighting each other in order to be right does not help the situation.  With that in mind, I’m going to be launching my new podcast, “Two Views, One World” very shortly.  I’d love for you to be a guest.  If we have opposing views on something, even better.  I usually back down from conflict but in this case, I want to hear what you have to say.  Let’s see if we can educate each other and bring forth a more beautiful way of going through life.

Trish Walker

Park City, Utah