
Feeling A Stuckness

“Someday everything will make perfect sense.  So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.” 

            My goal for this pandemic was to get up every Monday and write up a blog post.  This week I couldn’t do it.  No matter what I did, I felt the word “stuck”.  I don’t like to even use that word because what I realize is that you are not really stuck but refusing to budge.  There is something that you are supposed to be doing and you refuse to see any way to do it.  This was me and to some extent, it still feels that way. I’m feeling on edge. I’m feeling like I can’t do anything right now due to current circumstances. I’m at Week #8, I think, and it’s getting real.  Even though our governor said things will start re-opening, I’m feeling like this will go on for a long time.

            It is not something going on but more that life has completely changed in a short, short time.  I go out and see people worrying about whether people are wearing masks or not.  I see that life at Shake Shack (our treat for today) has morphed into people sitting in their hot cars and the masked workers bringing bags to the cars.  It’s sad for me and that is where I have the opportunity to shift my thinking and my reality.  This is what life will look like for, probably the rest of the year.  If I don’t shift my thoughts, it’s going to be a long 2020.

            I remember waking up on New Year’s Day thinking that 2020 was going to be an amazing year for many reasons. Little did I know that it would be a different year from any that I have ever experienced in my life.  I was working full-time for the first time in a long time due to some life circumstances.  I got super sick in February (thinking now I had the “rona”), I was forced to quit my job due to the illness and then the wave hit.  I went from a high to a low.  We all did.  No one knew what was coming or how to prepare for it.  It’s how we come out the other side of this that will determine our future.

            Each day I get up and gauge how my day is going to go.  What key I was missing is that I have the power to make how my day goes.  I stick to a schedule of meditation, walking, etc.  Today my son and I deviated from our schedule and went out for lunch and to pick something up from a friend’s house.  We both got so thrown off, we came home and took a deep nap.  I woke up thinking, is everything going to make me tired and in need a nap?  I sure hope not.

            I believe the message I am getting today is to continue living in the day by day mindset for now.  Stick with my schedule, look at my next right steps, and then step into my best future.  I’m sticking to my exercise routine, doing my writing and looking for future opportunities.  If that’s “all” I am doing right now, that’s a lot better than binge watching Netflix and eating Thin Mints. Well, the Thin Mints, they were gone the first week of this pandemic.

Life is what we make it. We are the architects of our lives.  What will you do with yours?

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

 Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?


The Hate in My State

If I want to be a better person for whoever is in my life, I have to learn.” -Paul Gascoigne

            I woke up this Monday morning determined to get my life back on track after a weekend of Netflix and cookie eating.  I kept justifying it as, “It’s okay, I’m resting.” But I see now that what I was doing was absorbing all the negative energy from Facebook, news posts and people around me who were telling me all about what was going on here in my state of Utah.  I know better than this but still got sucked in.  It was reported that over 1,000 people gathered in Salt Lake City to protest the stay-at-home orders.  Help me to understand here.

            There is a deadly virus going around at the moment, yet these folks chose to gather in a large group, many without masks, and fight against something that has helped to lower the numbers of this virus.  It’s as if the collective all got cranky at once and rose up. It was really very fascinating to see.  Do we think that this rally did anything to further the cause?  I’m just not sure.  What I think is that in two weeks we will see a rising of the numbers of virus cases in our state.  This should be interesting. 

            I get that people have a right to their opinions. I get that we have a Bill of Rights, Freedom of Speech, etc. but what I don’t get is that the careless actions of a few hundred people could have devastating effects on the healthcare workers. They are already overworked.  Why would folks want to put them even more in danger and potentially keep the stay-at-home order in place longer?  I’m not saying anyone is wrong, I’m just on a deep dive to understand both sides of the equation here.  I’m also trying to understand where and when the level of hate in my state went up so much?  It’s like the dark is winning and that’s not okay.

            It’s dismaying to me to see people who I thought were of high vibe and are healers, putting up posts on their FB pages spewing anti-everything.  Do you remember the Mother Teresa quote “I won’t go to an anti-war rally, but I will go to a pro-peace rally?”  Energy is everything. That which we give energy to (either good or bad) will grow.  Energy doesn’t differentiate.  If you continually post anti-president pictures, for example, do you really think that is doing anything other than giving him more energy?  It also takes away from the time that you could be staying in your lane and working on yourself.

            Someone asked me the other day for suggestions on how to handle these current times.  I simply said for them to stay in their lane first. Work on yourself. Where are you needing to deep dive and really examine why you are triggered by certain things?  If you are triggered by certain things than you are needing some healing in that area. If you have such deep anger/hatred around a certain topic or person, then go out and do something to better the world.   Feed a homeless person instead of putting up an anti- FB post.  See where I’m going with this?  Instead of spewing more hate into the world, start putting out more love and gratitude.

            I don’t know what will become of all of this, but I do know that I am more motivated than ever to wake up each day and see what I can do to make a difference in this world.  Even if I only help one person my whole life, that may be more than the guy who is spending a lot of time hating.  I wish that every person could read this, and it could trigger something in them to maybe take a step back and see what they are doing?  That five minutes you spent posting and then the hour you spend looking at whether people are commenting, what can you do with that precious time instead?

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?